Please join us for our 2017 Annual General Membership Meeting & Ice Cream Social on Monday, July 17th at 6 pm.

We will provide ice cream, but please bring your favorite topping to share! We will play croquet after the  meeting.

Our agenda for our annual meeting is outlined below:

1. Ice Cream! 

2. Welcome by President 

3. Election/Re-Election of Officers of the Board*

4. Comments from the President (including an update on the “Use Agreement” with the City of Denver)

5. Treasurer’s Report

6. Membership and Events update by Secretary

7. Lawn update by Chairman of the Green

8. Other business

* If you wish to nominate yourself or another member for a board position, please send your nominations to be listed on the ballot to the Club Secretary by 6pm on July 14th. Ballots will be handed out at the meeting. Members must be present and dues paid in order to vote. No proxy votes are allowed.