Opening Day 2016 — Thurs, Apr 21

Opening Day 2016 — Thurs, Apr 21

  Please join us for Opening Day 2016! UPDATED -- Thursday, April 21 @ 6 PM Bring a favorite snack to share! Guests and first-timers are very welcome. Come learn to play and meet new friends! Directions The Lawn is located in Denver's Washington Park. Enter the park...
Scramble Sundays in 2016

Scramble Sundays in 2016

Save the Date!  We are planning Golf Croquet events on five Sunday mornings in May through September. May 29, June 26, July 31, Aug 28 and Sept 25 These events will be from 9 -11 AM and will be followed by a Potluck Brunch or Brunch at a nearby...
Spotlight on Daniel

Spotlight on Daniel

Daniel Pailas joined the Denver Croquet Club in August of 2012. He, like most, played backyard croquet as a kid. Daniel had noticed the lawn in Washington Park before, but it wasn't until an acquaintance mentioned being coaxed by club members into play on a Monday...
The Governor’s Cup Benefit – Summer 2015

The Governor’s Cup Benefit – Summer 2015

For the past seven years the Denver Croquet Club has been a proud supporter of Jiminy Wicket and their programs to make smiles for people living with Alzheimer’s disease. Their signature inter-generational program Through Hoops to Hope has recently won awards in both...
Fourth of July Croquet 2015

Fourth of July Croquet 2015

Golf Croquet and Pot Luck starting at 5 pm on the 4th of July! Bring Friends, Food, Drink and FUN to celebrate on the Lawn at Washington Park. Add to the Fun – Enjoy watching the fireworks at dark from the south side of Smith Lake. (the north lake in Washington...