Labor Day Potluck & Croquet Scramble 2016

Labor Day Potluck & Croquet Scramble 2016

Please join us on Monday, September 5 at 5 PM for the Labor Day Potluck Dinner and Croquet Scramble with timed games and prizes.  Please bring a picnic food to share! As always, guests are welcome!...
August 28th Croquet Scramble & Brunch

August 28th Croquet Scramble & Brunch

Join us for our next Croquet Scramble and Brunch on Sunday, August 28th. Croquet will be played from 9 am to 11 am at the Lawn in Wash Park. Games will be timed so that each player has the opportunity to play with and against multiple players. Mornings are a wonderful...
Aug 19th Friday Night Lights!

Aug 19th Friday Night Lights!

Save the Date for Friday Night Lights! Friday, August 19th from 8 to 10:30 pm We'll turn on the Lawn lights and enjoy an evening of croquet under the full moon. Guests welcome! Bring your own beverage (3.2% beer in a can is the only allowed alcohol, no glass please!)....
Aug 8th Annual Membership Meeting

Aug 8th Annual Membership Meeting

Please join us for our Annual General Membership Meeting on August 8th at 6 pm. We will have ice cream for the meeting (please bring your favorite topping to share!) and then we will play croquet after the  meeting.  Our agenda for our annual meeting is outlined...
July 31st Croquet Scramble & Brunch

July 31st Croquet Scramble & Brunch

Join us for our next Croquet Scramble and Brunch on Sunday, July 31st. Croquet will be played from 9 am to 11 am at the Lawn in Wash Park. Games will be timed so that each player has the opportunity to play with and against multiple players. Mornings are a wonderful...